Республика Абхазия, г. Сухум ул. Дзидзария, 40

State Archival Administration of the Republic of Abkhazia

It is an organ of state administration of archival affairs, subordinate in its activity to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Abkhazia.
Archival management within its competence is a specially authorized state body for the protection of documentary monuments in the Republic of Abkhazia.
Archival management carries out sectoral and interdisciplinary management of archives in the Republic of Abkhazia, manages the documents of the State Archival Fund stored in state, departmental and personal archives of the Republic of Abkhazia and is responsible for the state, further development and improvement of archiving.


  • Ensuring the safety of documents of the State Archival Fund, the organization of the acquisition and use of documents stored in state archives;
    State administration in the field of protection and use of documentary monuments of history and culture;
    Organization and coordination of scientific and methodical work in the field of archival science, records management, archeography; implementation of the results of scientific research and scientific and technical achievements in the practice of the archival institutions of the republic;
    Organizational and methodological management of departmental archives and the organization of documents office work;
    Dissemination of advanced experience in the field of archiving, the development of proposals for the further development and improvement of archiving.
  • Makes the scientific and technical processing of documents of institutions - archivists subject to permanent and centralized storage;
    Provides expertise in the value of documents with expired centralized storage periods for transferring them for storage to the Central archive of permanent storage documents;
    Ensures the safety and use of documents of personnel;
    Conducts the improvement of the scientific - reference apparatus to personnel documents that are in centralized storage.